Piano&Dancer is an interactive piece for a dancer and an electromechanical acoustic piano. The piece presents the dancer and the piano as two performers on stage whose bodily movements are mutually interdependent. This interdependence reveals a close relationship between physical and musical gestures. Accordingly, the realization of the piece is characterised by a creative processes that merges choreographic and compositional methods. In order to relate the expressive movement qualities of a dancer to the creation of musical material, the piece employs a variety of techniques. These techniques include methods for movement tracking and analysis, generative algorithms for creating spatial and temporal structures, and the application of non-conventional scales and chord transformations to shape the modal characteristics of the music. More information is available on the website: http://www.stocos.com
This project has been realized as a collaboration:
Muriel Romero: Choreography and Performance
Pablo Palacio: Music Composition and Interactive Technology
Daniel Bisig: Interactive Simulations